
Fall enrollment is closed. Spring enrollment opens on November 1, 2023.

Our Admissions Process.

Our enrollment process is designed to ensure we are the right learning environment for your family. We are a nine month school with open enrollment as space permits. Please review the process below and feel free to reach out with any questions.

Please Fill Out The Form Below

Today's Date:

Child #1

Child's Date Of Birth:

Child #2

Child's Date Of Birth:

Parent Guardian #1

Parent Guardian #2

Any changes to your family life in the past year?

Are there any concerns you have for your child(ren) academically, socially or emotionally that you would like us to know?

Has your child (or children) been diagnosed with or do you suspect any developmental or learning disabilities?

How would you describe your child(ren) learning environment so far:

How would you describe your learning environment so far:

How would you describe your spouse's learning environment so far:

What excites your family most about Acton Academy?

What concerns you the most about transitioning to Acton Academy?

Do you believe whole child development is more important than grades and standardized tests and are ready to trust the process of the unknown?

Do you want to join a network of open minded trailblazers and out of the box thinkers sharing the same goal about the learning process of their children?

How did you learn about Wild Oak Acton Academy?

Submission of this form requires a $50 non-refundable application fee.

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Wild Oak is an equal opportunity organization and will not allow discrimination based upon ethnicity, ancestry, gender, national origin, disability, race, size, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, or any other status prohibited by applicable law.